Balers for Small Spaces

Struggling with Space? Read on to explore how compact Bramidan machinery is helping bale waste in cramped spaces.

Compact Machinery With Uncompromised Power

Even in small spaces a vertical baler can transform your internal logistics.

When selecting a site for a waste compactor in your business, it’s important to consider your internal operations, waste flow, storage, and operator handling. Ideally, place a baler near the waste source to streamline sorting and compacting.

Space constraints can make baler placement challenging, but Bramidan balers, designed without external moving parts, fit snugly against walls and under racking, maximizing limited production space in factories, warehouses, and backrooms.

Looking for a space-efficient baler? Models with custom doors, like sliding or donation doors, save space, streamline waste handling, and boost efficiency, especially in tight spaces.


Recommended Machinery for Tight Spaces:


Ballepresser B4

B4 har en række egenskaber, som du ikke finder ved andre små ballepressere. Få fordel af højt pressetryk og automatisk udsmidning af den færdige balle


Ballepresser X10

En kompakt ballepresser med stor kapacitet og et pressetryk på 10 tons, som ikke overgås af andre pressere i denne størrelse. Lav højde og lille grundareal gør den nem at installere.


Ballepresser X25

Model X25 er udstyret med lange pressecylindre, som giver en stabil komprimering og et overlegent pressetryk. Du kan forvente en høj ballevægt.

Balers That Can Be Placed Against a Wall

Make use of all available space by investing in a machine with a small footprint. Many of our vertical balers can be installed against a wall or under racking.

Our smaller balers are equipped with strap holders in the front of the unit, allowing you to easily tie off finished bales.


Ballepresser B4

B4 har en række egenskaber, som du ikke finder ved andre små ballepressere. Få fordel af højt pressetryk og automatisk udsmidning af den færdige balle


Ballepresser B5 Wide

B5 Wide er karakteriseret ved en ekstra bred ifyldningsåbning på 1 meter. Den er specielt designet til at håndtere pladskrævende affald.


Ballepresser B20

En fleksibel presser til pap, papir og blødt plastik med bred ifyldningsåbning til store kasser. Indvendige modhager forhindrer materialet i at ekspandere i kammeret.

X-Series Machinery: A Different Cylinder Design

If you have a limited amount of space to work with, we advise you to explore our low profile options.

With internal cross cylindres, the X-Series Vertical Balers significantly reduce the overall height of the machine. The equipment can be easily installed under warehouse shelving, racks, or in a small room.


Ballepresser X10

En kompakt ballepresser med stor kapacitet og et pressetryk på 10 tons, som ikke overgås af andre pressere i denne størrelse. Lav højde og lille grundareal gør den nem at installere.


Ballepresser X25

Model X25 er udstyret med lange pressecylindre, som giver en stabil komprimering og et overlegent pressetryk. Du kan forvente en høj ballevægt.


Ballepresser X30 LP

Presseren X30 LP har en lav byggehøjde kombineret med et højt pressetryk.

Can I Install The Baler Outside?

We recommend installing the unit inside, but in some cases it can be installed outside as well. If installed outdoors, it must be covered by a roof or lean-to in order to protect electrical components from the rain and snow.

If the baler will be outside during cold weather conditions, it’s important to use a special hydraulic oil for low temperatures.


Periodic Inspections & Yearly Maintenance

We suggest periodic inspections and yearly preventive maintenance to ensure your machinery is functioning optimally.

A skilled service technician will check the oil, wear parts, hydraulics, electrical system, and provide maintenance and operational recommendations.

Solutions For Small Spaces

SD – Sliding Door

Sliding doors maximize space and facilitate loading from two sides. It is perfect for narrow rooms

Install up against the wall

Many of our balers can be installed up against the wall. Easily access strapping from the front of the machine.

Low profile with internal cylinders

Internal cross cylinders significantly reduce the height of the machine. It smoothly fits under warehouse racks and in small rooms.

Install the baler on a covered dock

If there is not enough space in your warehouse, the baler can be placed outside. It will need a covering to protect against harmful weather conditions.

Customize Your Baler To Your Needs

Having trouble finding the right waste compactor to fit your needs? We offer a wide range of vertical and horizontal balers.

Our sales team can advise you on the best solution for your business. Contact us today to learn more about our equipment.

Try out a baler for FREE to see how it works in your facility.

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Niels E. Rødbro
Distriktschef – Kbh/Sydsjælland/Øerne
Ruben Risak
Distriktschef – Sydjylland og Fyn
Kim Bundgaard
Distriktschef – Midt- og Nordjylland
Kim Foss Steutmann
Distriktschef – Nord- og Vestsjælland
Susanne Juhl Knudsen
Anne Fries Rose
Henrik R. Rytter
Kommerciel Direktør
Louise Marie Sommerlund
BRA-IN Onboarding Specialist

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